Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 5 - Photoshop

This week we were asked to post on our blog a photo that represented:

  • friend

  • high tech

  • news

  • summer

  • unconventional

  • universtiy life

Friends - just a few of us having fun

High Tech - so much technology crammed into this...its crazy!!

News - this is one of my sources of news information

Summer - road trips to the beach

Unconventional - Jackass is unconventional. They do things that

aren't normal and totally crazy

This show uni life for me...eating on the run

Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 3 Task

With the development of many new communication technologies, it has become increasingly easier to meet new people as well as keeping in touch with people you already know. Some examples of new communication technologies include mobile phones, myspace and blogs.

People of all ages are now being introduced to these new communication technologies as they are becoming part of our everyday life. However in saying this, I have only recently been introduced to many of these technologies myself. It was only at the start of this year that I made and email and myspace account. It was not that I didn't know about them, rather it was the fact that everyone had them that put me off. i couldn't work out why everyone was so obsessed with them so I just didn't bother...but when I finished school and many of my friends moved away, i realised that these new communication technologies were the way to go.

Since then, I have found these new communication technologies extremely useful. It is cheaper than a txt message and because of this I have been able to keep in contact with many people who have moved away.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 dani and this is my blog...what can i say about myself??? Well i am 17 years old and love being outdoors. I enjoy playing all types of sport and love goin to the beach with friends. I have an older sister who is 20, a younger brother who is 14 and a little sister who is 8. I love them all and although we may fight...alot, they will always be my family.

Ummm...i eventually want to become an occupational therapist but as i did not get the right op to get in, i have to do something else for a year...serves me right for having a little bit too much fun in year 12. So in order to reach my dream, im doing a bachelor of far it is going quite well and is the reason why im currently doing this course.