Thursday, May 31, 2007

Overall View of Course

Well i guess this means that New Communications technology is just about over. I have to say that in some ways i am sad because this course really interested me. I started out thinking that it was going to be really really hard and that in order for me to pass and be successful in it, i would already need quite a good understanding about computers and technology. However as this course continued on, i found that this was not the case at all (much to my relief). Instead, everything was presented to you in clear writtings and steps. I had never used photoshop before and the instructions on the NCT web site were quite easy to understand and follow. I had quite a lot of fun playing around with photoshop and seeing what could be done to alter images.

One thing that i didn't really like about this course was that I found the movies quite boring and couldn't follow then. I would often find myself confused about what was going on and having to talk to other students after it finished what it was all about. This is really the only criticism I have about new communications technology. I'm not sure if there are any other movies out there that show the same information as the ones that were seen in the lectures but if there are I think that they sould be looked at as a replacement.

That all folk :)

My Essay

Whoops!!!!! Forgot to post my eassay.

MySpace and Predators

When parents educate their children about ‘stranger-danger’, they normally only refer to this danger as being out in public and away from the family home. They believe that once they are inside the home, then they are safe and protected from the big, cruel and nasty world outside. However with the development of online communities such as MySpace, Facebook and Livejournal, a reality check is needed. The way in which stalkers, pedophiles and rapists now lour in and find their victims has drastically changed with the development of new communication technologies. According to Danah Boyd (2007a), there are two groups of people who are interested in teenagers and young children and their MySpace profiles; one of which are people who wish to prey on them – predators. The statement that this paper aims to make is:
Stalkers and pedophiles have adapted to the times and are now more
dangerous than ever thanks to MySpace

One of the reasons why MySpace poses such a potential risk to young users is because of all the personal information which they post on it (Carlin, 2006). As the format for MySpace emerged out of a dating service, the type of information which is posted is that of the user’s sex, age, place of residence, hobbies and interests. When they sign up to become a member, they are asked to fill out a form with all of these questions. Teenagers don’t event think that this information could be used by someone in a malicious way. This site has become a civil society in teenage culture (Boyd, 2007a). Teenagers post so much personal information up without even a second thought. They give out their phone numbers, what they have planned for the weekend and where they are meeting up with friends. This is all the information that a predator needs if they wish to attack.

Along with very personal information that it posted on users profiles, are photographs of themselves and friends. Many of these are very suggestive and leave nothing to the imagination. To a predator like a pedophile, this is all they need to see to start a fascination with that user (Carlin, 2006). Some parents are aware of this fact and that their children’s profiles are containing to much personal information and therefore insist on checking it regularly. However, this has lead to teenagers producing what Boyd (2007a) calls mirror networks. This is when users create a second account with fake names and details. This way if a parent asks to view their child’s profile then they can show them the clean edited one with their real identity and still have the other profile where they have as much personal and revealing information posted as they wish. This unedited and unmonitored profile is what predators search for.

A type of predator that has become a real issue with the development of online communities is cyber stalkers. They use Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to find their victims (McReynolds, 2006). Through using this IP address, these cyber stalkers can track down a victim and work out exactly where they live (McReynolds, 2006). This is a very alarming thought. According to Caleb Jorden, a computer science major at the National College Advertising and Marketing (McReynolds, 2006), users cannot protect their IP address from being shown and that there are even some sites that have programs installed to track users IP addresses once they enter a site. Many young teenagers who frequently use MySpace do not know this. They believe that as they are in their own home that they are safe from stalkers. However as these new communication technologies have developed, predators have changed the way they operate and they now
have an easier way of following people that they never had before. They are able to have a more secret identity and can stalk users without them even being aware of it (Israel, 2006).

Another way in which MySpace has become a predator’s paradise is through the adding of friends. Predators make fake profiles in which they pose as younger teenagers in order to attract the attention of other teenagers. Teenagers and other young children who are members of MySpace add just about anyone who makes a friend request. For them, it is like being at school and the more friends you have the more popular or cool you look (Boyd, 2006). Sixty-nine percent of 13 and 14 year olds talk to people they don’t know online (Israel, 2006).Young teenagers and children don’t think that when they add or accept someone as a friend that they could be adults pretending to be teenagers. They just believe and assume that MySpace is full of fellow kids their age (Ehrlich, 2006). Once a predator has been accepted onto a person’s profile, they slowly work their way into their victim’s lives. With so much personal information on display for the public to see, a predator can make it look like they and their potential victim have everything in common. Sometimes these predators are so careful and invest so much time into their victims that it can take as long as a year for them to finally try and meet them (Israel, 2006). All through that time, the victim is unaware to the dangers that lurk on the other side of the computer.

Since MySpace became a household name for many teenagers and young children, predators have been able to consume a hidden identity and work their way into young user’s lives. Long gone are the days when you headed to the local park and had to look out for suspicious people lurking for now they have a better place to be. A place where they can’t be identified as easily and a place where they can chose who their next victim will be. Through using personal information provided on a profile, a predator can make it seem like they are very similar. They can use the IP address and find out exactly where they live and use the photographs that are displayed as a way to become fascinated with certain individuals. Through the development of these new communication technologies, the safety of our children needs to be reassessed. No longer is the home the safest place for teenagers and young children because you never know who they might just really be talking to on the other end. Predators in today’s society have realized how to manipulate and use these new technologies to their advantage and now more than ever before are they dangerous.


Boyd, D. (2006). “Friends, Friendsters and MySpace Top 8: Writing Community Into Being on Social Network Sites.” First Monday 11:12, December.

Boyd, D. (2007a). “Why Youth (Heart) social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life.” MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning, Identity Volume (ed. David Buckingham)

Boyd, D. (2007b). “None of this is Real”, Structures of Participation (ed. Joe Karaganis)

Wk 11 - Microsoft Excel

This weeks task, although it was ment to be a simple use of microsoft, I found it quite difficult. I never really used excel before and so it was all fairly new to me. I found this task interesting though, as i discovered that microsoft excel can be very useful if you need to use it. It is not that difficult to use once u become familiar with it and it can help you out in a lot of differnt ways.

Wk 10 - Microsoft Word

I found htis task relatively easy to complete. It was quite basic and if you just followed the instructions that were on the new com tech website, you could complete it without much difficulty. However in saying this, there was one part of this task which did cause me some trouble. The part that I had difficulty with was Mail Merge. I couldn't quite get the computer to work for me but once i asked someone for help, there was no longer a problem.

Wk 8 Task - 3D Worlds

This task was abit wierd to me. I have never been a member, or even visited, a 3D World on the internete that can also be used as a socialising tool. I have heard about them but never been interested in finding out what they were all about and why so many people, especially young kids and teenagers, are becoming hooked and obsessed. After viewing a few of these 3D worlds, i was able to see what some of the differences that this type of socialising tool has compared to MSN.

On these 3D worlds, users can create an image of themselves or what they what others to see them as. They have the ability to chose hair styles, outfits and many other character defining aspects. On MSN you only have your name to show people who you are and what you may be about. This is a huge difference that i think is very imnportant. The ability to create your ownidentity. Users who use these 3D world and that dont particularly like a certain aspect of themselves are able to change it to what they want. For example; if a girl has brown hair but really wants blond hair, then on these 3D worlds she has the power and ability to change this aspect about herself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

wk 6 continued.....

This image shows friendship. It is effective in communicating that friends give to each other out of love.

Wk 6 - Photoshop part 2.

This image is Australian. I feel that this image helps enhance and helps communicate what Australia is like. Many people around the world who have never been to Australia think that Australia is all desert and beaches. This shows that we have many many cities as well.

I believe that this image shows how many people get consumed by video games. They focus all of their attention on the game and are oblivious to all things around them.

I think that this image show communication and how it must be processed in order for us to understand the meaning of it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wk 4 - Scavenger Hunt

Lets get started then shall we...
1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?
The weight of the world's biggest pumpkin is 1,502 pounds.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
The best way to contact Grant Hackett would be through his manager.

3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?
A giraffe's tounge is approximately 18 inches or 46cm.

4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean ?
Ontology is the study of the nature of being, reality and substance.
In my own words it is the study of existence.

5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?
His first feature film was Shivers. This was the first film that he was paid to write and direct.

6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?
It was written on January 8, 1986

7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?
'555' numbers were used to prevent members of the public being harassed by people trying
out numbers seen on screen. this '555' code area does not exist.

8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?
The cheapest form of travel would beby aeroplane.

9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?
In 1965, the song on top of the charts was 'I'll never find another you' by the Seekers.

10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?
Stephen Stockwell is in a Brisbane band calle The Black Assassins

Search Engines

Internet search engines help users find pages on the web on a given subject. By using specified keywords, a search engine returns a list of documents where these words are found.

Search engines rank the information in a variety of different ways depending on what one you decide to use. One of the main search engines is Google and it ranks information by how frequently other sites link to you. So if you aren't linked to many others than it is less likely that u will appear first on the list of thousands of results.
The main search engine that i use is Google. This is because it is so easy and simple. there is nothing complicated about it and you just about always get what you are looking for. I also use it because this is what i have grown up with. All throughout school i used this so i feel comfortable with it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 5 - Photoshop

This week we were asked to post on our blog a photo that represented:

  • friend

  • high tech

  • news

  • summer

  • unconventional

  • universtiy life

Friends - just a few of us having fun

High Tech - so much technology crammed into this...its crazy!!

News - this is one of my sources of news information

Summer - road trips to the beach

Unconventional - Jackass is unconventional. They do things that

aren't normal and totally crazy

This show uni life for me...eating on the run

Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 3 Task

With the development of many new communication technologies, it has become increasingly easier to meet new people as well as keeping in touch with people you already know. Some examples of new communication technologies include mobile phones, myspace and blogs.

People of all ages are now being introduced to these new communication technologies as they are becoming part of our everyday life. However in saying this, I have only recently been introduced to many of these technologies myself. It was only at the start of this year that I made and email and myspace account. It was not that I didn't know about them, rather it was the fact that everyone had them that put me off. i couldn't work out why everyone was so obsessed with them so I just didn't bother...but when I finished school and many of my friends moved away, i realised that these new communication technologies were the way to go.

Since then, I have found these new communication technologies extremely useful. It is cheaper than a txt message and because of this I have been able to keep in contact with many people who have moved away.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 dani and this is my blog...what can i say about myself??? Well i am 17 years old and love being outdoors. I enjoy playing all types of sport and love goin to the beach with friends. I have an older sister who is 20, a younger brother who is 14 and a little sister who is 8. I love them all and although we may fight...alot, they will always be my family.

Ummm...i eventually want to become an occupational therapist but as i did not get the right op to get in, i have to do something else for a year...serves me right for having a little bit too much fun in year 12. So in order to reach my dream, im doing a bachelor of far it is going quite well and is the reason why im currently doing this course.