Thursday, May 31, 2007

Overall View of Course

Well i guess this means that New Communications technology is just about over. I have to say that in some ways i am sad because this course really interested me. I started out thinking that it was going to be really really hard and that in order for me to pass and be successful in it, i would already need quite a good understanding about computers and technology. However as this course continued on, i found that this was not the case at all (much to my relief). Instead, everything was presented to you in clear writtings and steps. I had never used photoshop before and the instructions on the NCT web site were quite easy to understand and follow. I had quite a lot of fun playing around with photoshop and seeing what could be done to alter images.

One thing that i didn't really like about this course was that I found the movies quite boring and couldn't follow then. I would often find myself confused about what was going on and having to talk to other students after it finished what it was all about. This is really the only criticism I have about new communications technology. I'm not sure if there are any other movies out there that show the same information as the ones that were seen in the lectures but if there are I think that they sould be looked at as a replacement.

That all folk :)

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